well she's right, I havent.
It's about time.
Basically I have had a very interesting past few months, bringing to a close what has been an emotional year.
It all started with living at my last house, which as anyone who was around me during that time knows, was a living nightmare. But it was also a huge eye-opener that ultimately taught me ALOT about myself and who I was, but more importantly who I wasn't. In the end I'm glad i experienced it, not that I ever want to again.
After moving out, and into a wonderful new place, there was a brief period of pure awesomeness. "Fucking right, man" describes it all too well..
That was shortly followed by a period of great change, with alot of people moving and dispersing away. These were the people that really helped me learn about myself, by providing an escape from the house I was living in and the people I was surrounding myslef with.
This period of change has continued to progress and evolve, almost on a daily basis, to the point where I dont even know what an "average" day/week feels like anymore.
From supporting and harboring an out-of -control heroin addict, to pursuing and partaking in a secretive affair, my everyday felt like some fucked-up soap opera. Except in my episode, the main character was worried less about who was out to seek revenge on him, and more on making enough to eat and pay rent, as well as somehow obtaining Health insurance.
Tune in for a new ep
The dark days of a Minnesota winter didnt help much either.
December crawled through, dragging 2008 with it, but only in the chronological sense.
2009 started with an encore of change; a new President. One who actually has a thought in his head that makes ANY sense.
Then my secondary job offered me a promotion that would require quitting the coffee shop I've worked at for over 2 years now. The coffee shop that shaped me entirely into the person I am now. Post-High School, sans College enrollment.
This was not as easy a change to get behind.
So what did I do? Where am I now?
I took the promotion, finally doing something for myself. A decision I would not have come to had I not gotten to where I am now as a result of the bullshit that led me here. Things are looking better because of that, and I'm starting to feel better.
Not to say that every things perfect yet.
As I sit and type this now, not 5 feet away still sits the aforementioned heroin addict on my couch.. Its about time he leaves.
being honest, being impeccable with my words, i'm excited to come get chilly.
is there still going to be snow around?
yeah ther wil still be snow. march usually gets the snowiest.
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