Saturday, September 13, 2008

mmmm, meat.

So last night we made bacon cupcakes, plain bacon, and peanut butter bacon burgers. they all turned out really well. the burgers especially were AMAZING. if you have never tried peanut butter on a burger, i highly recommend you do. WOW.

im all pooped out on bacon now.

Sunday, September 7, 2008


i delcare that FOX news is a bunch of crap. as if that even needed to be said.

they claim they are your source for "fair and balanced" unbiased coverage on this election but yet they choose their words oh-so-carefully when reporting on things.

yesterday i was watching commentary on the recently completed RNC and FOX decided to show a group of Republican supporters waving flags. No harm done there.

And then they spoke.

"And here we show a group of McCain supporters waving flags they rescued from the DNC in Denver, that had been abandoned and left as garbage by the Democrats."

this makes me so sick. so out of the millions of mass-produced plastic american flags passed out, some were left behind or unused and were collected. but to word it as if Democrats unpatriotically threw them away, and that the Republicans had to come in and "rescue" them?
no class.

but wait, FOX is un-biased right?

after hearing this on TV i started looking on the internet for more information, and found this article by a FOX reporter about the flags, defending the Democrats and saying the flag situation was an attack by McCain at Obama.

I'm sorry, but being un-biased isnt reporting with two different viewpoints on the same topic, with each article attacking the opposite party. being un-biased means giving ONE impartial account of the topic stating only the facts without any judgemental emphasis.

FOX news can go fuck themselves.

Friday, August 29, 2008

sick and tired.

I woke up this morning and felt like death. Somehow, I had died in my sleep and woke up in the midst of being dead.

I hate being sick. More than anything else probably. Wait no, I hate yard work more. In my opinion pulling weeds from the garden violates our Human Rights and should be classified as Cruel and Unusual Punishment.. but that's a different blog for a different time...

So back to being sick, after I woke up I had the unfortunate displeasure of having a triple dose of discomfort:

1. I was very hungover

2. My throat and sinuses were gross and painful

3. I had to pee

I'll explain:

1. I stayed up late drinking and cruising the Internet with a good friend before going home to my roommate and his friends over. Naturally since they were drinking, I had to join them, according to my social etiquette handbook. Gin + Gin + Tonic + Gin = fun/headache

2. At some point yesterday I felt my left sinus dripping and running and I KNEW I was gonna be sick. No avoiding it. Like one of those amazing dogs that can sense a disaster before it happens, I can sense a cold coming miles away. And I don't even have paws...

3. Naturally, going to bed after drinking usually ends with waking up having to pee. I know, its crazy.. Well, for the first time in my life I'm living in a place that has only one bathroom. Never before had I realized how essential having two latrines could be until I woke up about to burst, found the bathroom was occupied, and had to retreat back to my bedroom still having to race like a piss horse.

I then went back to sleep, woke up 5 hours later, took a shower and ate some food. I'm feeling better now, but still not 100%. I realized it had been months since I was last sick, which got me thinking about my past colds, and I found a picture on my computer I took when I had one of the worst colds of my life. So bad I missed Christmas because of it. Enjoy:


Tuesday, August 26, 2008


So lots of people are leaving in the next few months and its been really wierd dealing with the emotions that go along with it.

Obviously I dont want people to leave and wish they could hang out forever, but just as obviously I understand people need change and to do the things they wish to do. So its a little hard being happy and sad at the same time for so many people simultaneously.

After having one of the best nights of my life at Andrea's going away party, which was amaazing, I discovered that overall I was much more happy for the people who were leaving than I was sad that they had to go.

Whether they come back or not, I am just honored to have been with them while they were here, and grateful that I can feel sad for someone thats leaving at all. Ive seen plenty of people leave without caring, and its bittersweet now to finally know what it means to say i'll miss someone. Thankyou to everyone that has helped build my experience with life, and good luck where you're headed.


so i found a cool new website,, and its really cool. basically its like a mini blog where in 140 letters or less you answer the question "what are you doing?" and thats it. it sounds lame, but its actually really creative (watch the video)
only problem is that you need friends on it to really enjoy it, sooooooooooooooooooo, if any of you read this blog, you should cruise on over there and befriend me. search "thegrandlaborer"

Thursday, August 21, 2008

little bits.

I've often heard that true friends are evident in times of great disaster, excitement, sorrow and joy, which is true, but I feel like that's almost too obvious. Anyone can use a situation of such elevated proportions to rise to the occasion and be there for someone whether in Good times or Bad. And not to say those times don't count, but personally I find that the true expression of friendship and love is apparent in the seemingly meaningless moments. When someone goes out of their way to help you out for no reason at all other than to respond to your invitation of need. Its these small moments that really show someones character. Asking a friend to cover your shift at work for nothing important other than just really needing a break, and having them do it, no questions asked. A "just because" present. A late night text message describing something amazing.
I think its too easy to overlook these little bits of grace, and only notice the earth-shaking moments. We CANNOT take for granted when other people are thinking about you, because it could very easily be otherwise. Nobody wants to be alone.
The next time someone calls you or mentions you in conversation, take a moment to appreciate that you've made even the smallest amount of influence on someone that you still have a place in their thoughts amongst the millions of other things they are distracted with daily.

Its the little bits that are precious.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

doo rag

So after months of neglect, I decided about a week ago that I was in need of a fresh new DOO. Now, as I have in the past I could have done the usual thing and gone to Great Clips to order the #5 with fries and be on my way.

But not this time.

This time I decided I would be unique and let my friend Megan, an art major, do me up with whatever creative designs she could imagine. And she CAN imagine. She makes Fantasia look cliche and bland.

Armed with only a Norelco and scissors Megan went to town on my head in a fashion even Edward Scissorhands would appreciate.

And did it ever turn out wonderful.
It took a little getting used to, the reactions of other people being the hardest thing to deal with. My mom and a few of my friends would not look me in the eye, I guess that was there silent disapproval, very subtle...

Unfortunately, but inevitably, I had to shave it off to appease my mom and my boss Chad at Pro-Ex. So with my brother I went, where else, to Great Clips. I ordered the #2, no pickles and left bald and disappointed. No big deal though, I think a Mohawk is in order in a few months when my scalp stops itching and I have a happy forest of hair perched back up top where it belongs. Word.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

greatest atist. ever.

brandon bird is my hero. check out his website.

"No one wants to play Sega with Harrison Ford"

Sunday, August 10, 2008

sweet new ride...

Thieves thought they could ruin my life by taking my bike, but little did they know they would end up contributing more to it than they actually took.
There is a new member of my life now, yet to be named (that will come with time, as with any relationship) but for now we can just call her my Sweet New Ride:

She and I met on Friday at my favorite bike shop in the twin cities: Express Bike on Selby and Dunlap. Its a great little shop, non-profit, knowledgeable, and very well priced. I trust their work, and will continue to buy from them.
Because it is from a used shop, I only know as much about it as I can gather from the frame and bike itself. Its a Peugeot, pronounced PEW-JOE, which makes anyone sound cool. I don't know when its from, I'm guessing late 70's, or what model it is, although I'm pretty sure its part of their "Rad As Fuck" lineup from fall 78'. I guess it's kind of a rarity and you have to be one Bad-Ass-Motherfucker to get your hands on one. Turns out I'm a shoe-in...

So I took her on her inaugural ride, which was also my first ride on the Greenway, which ended with the two of us turning around at 36Th & Wooddale in St. Louis Park. All together we hung out for about 20 miles without any problems or disagreements.

I think we'll get along fine. And I think her name is Pigeon.

Friday, August 8, 2008

good times

I'm happy to report that right now, in this instant, i am entirely and utterly full of joy. of course that comes from being in this state for the last few days or so, but focusing on the moment i don't think i could be in a better place whatsoever. for the first time in awhile there is absolutely nothing in the back of my mind. i am perfectly content with who i am, and where i am.
and all of this i owe to you.
i love my friends and i love who i am because of them, even if i do smoke cigarettes again! i love chasing rabbits, being fascinated by blue whales, discovering new books and movies (don't get me started on Miranda July or Amelie,) and most of all LAUGHING! seriously, my cheeks hurt every night when i get home, like now as i lay in bed smiling while reflecting on tonight's list of hilarity's.
tomorrow I'll go to Kaplans and start a new great day with a new great espresso drink. Kristin says i should go with a machiatto and i think i will cause i trust her judgement "lol".....

good night, and good times!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

nodding off

So I'm sitting at home in my new favorite couch, attempting to make some blog progress (bloggress?) but having no such luck. Its hard to write anything interesting or sensible when you can barely keep your eyes open.

Lets take it back a step.

I started my day at 5:50 in the A.M. after getting only 3 hou00000000000000000000000000000--00-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

oh god, i just fell asleep with my fingers on the keyboard still.
goodnight moon.

Sunday, July 27, 2008


Isn't it strange how the things we love the most become so common, that we take them for granted and overlook how lucky we are to have them in the first place? Maybe everyone else is better at staying aware of things, and keeping friends close, but through experience I have found that this is a quality I definitely exhibit a lack of.
I first became aware of this after observing how I handle situations amongst different friends and peers. I noticed how notorious I was at making multiple sets of plans and then having to let someone down. Ironic how trying to keep my options open then usually ended with no options at all. This is a characteristic of myself i have known of for awhile, and I have done some work at ridding myself of this selfish and terrible habit. I thought I was doing a pretty good job at it too, I remembered past commitments and came through for people. I found turning someone down initially was much easier than making up lies and excuses after the fact. But I guess I still have problems.
Two nights ago I told my two longest-known friends, Billy and Nick, that I wanted to go to the beach the next day with them. I told them what I was doing the next morning, and when I would call to make it happen. So far so good right?
Not exactly.
I did do as I said, and I called when I said I would, but then proceeded to make plans with other friends, which was to go to the beach with them, instead. I didn't do it with intent of blowing off anyone, but I can't play the innocent card either. Part of me knew what I was doing, I guess another part of me just thought it didn't matter. And that is exactly the problem. Life needs balance, and so do we internally. I cannot let my thoughts override what my gut knows is wrong, but rather the two must work equally together. It's not like this is a radical new idea or anything. Hell, we learned of checks and balance in 4th grade, so why is it that sometimes I need someone else to remind me of I already know?
Well that someone came. Nick got a hold of me as I was leaving the beach and was clearly disappointed on the phone. In his sarcastic and "its-not-a-big-deal-BUT..." kind of way, he let me know he felt betrayed and abandoned. Suddenly the highs from having a wonderful time at the beach were being stripped away with the guilt of knowing I'd just fucked over someone who Ive always considered my best friend, while enjoying myself in the process. Again, balance; highs indeed come with lows, but if you're impeccable with your word they shouldn't have to. Had that been the case, there would have been no phone call.
I took nick for granted and pushed him aside without a second thought. Talking to him was more than just a phone call, it was a wake up call from my subconscious saying "wake up, look at what you have in front of you, cause you just as easily couldn't."
Nick, I've known you longer than anyone but family, and I am so sorry. Nothing can change what has already happened but I can change how I function in the future. I don't want to lose you as a friend, I know now how easily I could, and I promise not to take you for granted ever again.

Friday, July 25, 2008

emulated memories

OK so I'm sitting at the coffee shop, slightly hungover and entirely tired when Paul starts introducing me to the wonderful world of Emulators. For those who are unfamiliar with these little programs of magic, (and I speak as an expert given my recent 15 minutes of experience with them) you download one, and it lets you play almost any video game from your childhood that you can dream of. Imagine Battle Toads and Mario all over again. I can already feel the ridiculously anti-ergonomic Nintendo controllers digging into my palms as I scream personally at the Kool-Aid-stuck "B" button which, of course, is the only button I need for whatever game I'm currently engrossed in.

After a brief lesson in downloading, I'm soon up and running with my new Nintendo emulator "NESticles." (Not quite as innocent as I remember my old game console being, but lets look beyond that...) Two clicks, and three keystrokes later, I'm staring at the menu of "Hudson's Adventure Island," but more importantly at a page of my childhood. Suddenly I was no longer presently sitting in the excitement of the coffee shop, but rather I was 7 years old, cross-legged in my parents TV room, reminding myself to blink every once in awhile so as to better be prepared for killer snails and bundles of oh-so-crucial bananas.

Back in reality, I'm reminded of my older sister, and how much she loved this game, given it was one of the only activities she could actually enjoy with her three younger obnoxious brothers... If only she were here now to chime in with tips, hints, and criticisms as only she could provide.

Like riding a bike, I quickly remember all the controls, the strategies, and to my surprise even the secret skateboard-concealing eggs. Even more quickly I remember how easily frustrated one can get with these games, and soon stop playing. Little did I know, I was leading myself into one of the most challenging tests of human patience ever created on this earth or any other:

I would like you to meet MARBLE MADNESS.

The name itself is more fitting than the creators could have ever known. Imagine the most dismal life you could possibly have; you're a round ball in an angled world full of ramps, pitfalls, acid pools, killer vacuums, and rougue black balls not to be mistaken as friends. Their only goal is to make life worse for you, as if that is even possible. In this world, Darwin got slapped in the face. Something went horribly wrong with evolution here. You're a lone mosquito in a room full of angry Minnesotans just trying to enjoy their brats.
Predestined for disaster, you are now expected to transverse this jagged landscape in hopes of reaching the only safe place in town: a flat area between two flags marked "Goal." Given that you're a sphere, and thus have no edges to stop you, navigating is a cumbersome chore. Forget all you're On Demand privileges, stopping and turning are not as simple as Mario had it. In this world Newton reigns supreme. So just try and make it to the Goal. I dare you.

Oh and did I mention you have only 60 seconds to succeed, and if you fail you go back to the first level of the game again? Being a ball isn't all it's cracked up to be.

I think I'll go back to the island, and only worry about my bananas staying ripe. Here's to you sis. :)

Smile and Nod

So this is where it starts; the moment where we shake hands, smile, nod and either hope for relationships to come, or for akward introductions to end abruptly...
It is pushing 4 in the morning, the rabbits have long ended their dancing, to be replaced by the songs of morning sparrows. Funny how my day has yet to end, but in the natural order of things, it has already passed and a new day is begging to begin.
With that sunrise comes the start of this blog. As of now, it has no premise or purpose other than to document the moments that can never be forgotten but inevitably can be lost amongst many more of their kind.
For those of you close to me whether awake or sleeping, in the room or at home wrapped in familiar covers, but with me either way, tonight has been another night of laughter and unrestrained expression. The handshakes have been replaced by hugs and the future is bright, so lets burn another cigarette, queue the next song, and dream of otters in love.