Saturday, September 13, 2008

mmmm, meat.

So last night we made bacon cupcakes, plain bacon, and peanut butter bacon burgers. they all turned out really well. the burgers especially were AMAZING. if you have never tried peanut butter on a burger, i highly recommend you do. WOW.

im all pooped out on bacon now.

Sunday, September 7, 2008


i delcare that FOX news is a bunch of crap. as if that even needed to be said.

they claim they are your source for "fair and balanced" unbiased coverage on this election but yet they choose their words oh-so-carefully when reporting on things.

yesterday i was watching commentary on the recently completed RNC and FOX decided to show a group of Republican supporters waving flags. No harm done there.

And then they spoke.

"And here we show a group of McCain supporters waving flags they rescued from the DNC in Denver, that had been abandoned and left as garbage by the Democrats."

this makes me so sick. so out of the millions of mass-produced plastic american flags passed out, some were left behind or unused and were collected. but to word it as if Democrats unpatriotically threw them away, and that the Republicans had to come in and "rescue" them?
no class.

but wait, FOX is un-biased right?

after hearing this on TV i started looking on the internet for more information, and found this article by a FOX reporter about the flags, defending the Democrats and saying the flag situation was an attack by McCain at Obama.

I'm sorry, but being un-biased isnt reporting with two different viewpoints on the same topic, with each article attacking the opposite party. being un-biased means giving ONE impartial account of the topic stating only the facts without any judgemental emphasis.

FOX news can go fuck themselves.