Sunday, February 8, 2009

guilty pleasures.

Last Wednesday was Guilty Pleasures night at Club Jagr, and it was AWESOME!

Hall and Oates, Bryan Adams, George Michael, Technotronic, Prince, whoever sings "Rythm Is A Dancer," and much much more..

Cant wait till they do it again.

Pics are on FaceBook :

Monday, February 2, 2009

2009: it's about time.

So, my sister essentially emailed me a slap in the face saying "i occasionally check your blog and you havent posted to it in forever!"

well she's right, I havent.

It's about time.

Basically I have had a very interesting past few months, bringing to a close what has been an emotional year.

It all started with living at my last house, which as anyone who was around me during that time knows, was a living nightmare. But it was also a huge eye-opener that ultimately taught me ALOT about myself and who I was, but more importantly who I wasn't. In the end I'm glad i experienced it, not that I ever want to again.

After moving out, and into a wonderful new place, there was a brief period of pure awesomeness. "Fucking right, man" describes it all too well..

That was shortly followed by a period of great change, with alot of people moving and dispersing away. These were the people that really helped me learn about myself, by providing an escape from the house I was living in and the people I was surrounding myslef with.

This period of change has continued to progress and evolve, almost on a daily basis, to the point where I dont even know what an "average" day/week feels like anymore.

From supporting and harboring an out-of -control heroin addict, to pursuing and partaking in a secretive affair, my everyday felt like some fucked-up soap opera. Except in my episode, the main character was worried less about who was out to seek revenge on him, and more on making enough to eat and pay rent, as well as somehow obtaining Health insurance.

Tune in for a new episode, Friday @ 10:00/9:00 Central. Right after MacGyver.

The dark days of a Minnesota winter didnt help much either.

December crawled through, dragging 2008 with it, but only in the chronological sense.

2009 started with an encore of change; a new President. One who actually has a thought in his head that makes ANY sense.

Then my secondary job offered me a promotion that would require quitting the coffee shop I've worked at for over 2 years now. The coffee shop that shaped me entirely into the person I am now. Post-High School, sans College enrollment.

This was not as easy a change to get behind.

So what did I do? Where am I now?

I took the promotion, finally doing something for myself. A decision I would not have come to had I not gotten to where I am now as a result of the bullshit that led me here. Things are looking better because of that, and I'm starting to feel better.

Not to say that every things perfect yet.

As I sit and type this now, not 5 feet away still sits the aforementioned heroin addict on my couch.. Its about time he leaves.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

mmmm, meat.

So last night we made bacon cupcakes, plain bacon, and peanut butter bacon burgers. they all turned out really well. the burgers especially were AMAZING. if you have never tried peanut butter on a burger, i highly recommend you do. WOW.

im all pooped out on bacon now.

Sunday, September 7, 2008


i delcare that FOX news is a bunch of crap. as if that even needed to be said.

they claim they are your source for "fair and balanced" unbiased coverage on this election but yet they choose their words oh-so-carefully when reporting on things.

yesterday i was watching commentary on the recently completed RNC and FOX decided to show a group of Republican supporters waving flags. No harm done there.

And then they spoke.

"And here we show a group of McCain supporters waving flags they rescued from the DNC in Denver, that had been abandoned and left as garbage by the Democrats."

this makes me so sick. so out of the millions of mass-produced plastic american flags passed out, some were left behind or unused and were collected. but to word it as if Democrats unpatriotically threw them away, and that the Republicans had to come in and "rescue" them?
no class.

but wait, FOX is un-biased right?

after hearing this on TV i started looking on the internet for more information, and found this article by a FOX reporter about the flags, defending the Democrats and saying the flag situation was an attack by McCain at Obama.

I'm sorry, but being un-biased isnt reporting with two different viewpoints on the same topic, with each article attacking the opposite party. being un-biased means giving ONE impartial account of the topic stating only the facts without any judgemental emphasis.

FOX news can go fuck themselves.

Friday, August 29, 2008

sick and tired.

I woke up this morning and felt like death. Somehow, I had died in my sleep and woke up in the midst of being dead.

I hate being sick. More than anything else probably. Wait no, I hate yard work more. In my opinion pulling weeds from the garden violates our Human Rights and should be classified as Cruel and Unusual Punishment.. but that's a different blog for a different time...

So back to being sick, after I woke up I had the unfortunate displeasure of having a triple dose of discomfort:

1. I was very hungover

2. My throat and sinuses were gross and painful

3. I had to pee

I'll explain:

1. I stayed up late drinking and cruising the Internet with a good friend before going home to my roommate and his friends over. Naturally since they were drinking, I had to join them, according to my social etiquette handbook. Gin + Gin + Tonic + Gin = fun/headache

2. At some point yesterday I felt my left sinus dripping and running and I KNEW I was gonna be sick. No avoiding it. Like one of those amazing dogs that can sense a disaster before it happens, I can sense a cold coming miles away. And I don't even have paws...

3. Naturally, going to bed after drinking usually ends with waking up having to pee. I know, its crazy.. Well, for the first time in my life I'm living in a place that has only one bathroom. Never before had I realized how essential having two latrines could be until I woke up about to burst, found the bathroom was occupied, and had to retreat back to my bedroom still having to race like a piss horse.

I then went back to sleep, woke up 5 hours later, took a shower and ate some food. I'm feeling better now, but still not 100%. I realized it had been months since I was last sick, which got me thinking about my past colds, and I found a picture on my computer I took when I had one of the worst colds of my life. So bad I missed Christmas because of it. Enjoy:


Tuesday, August 26, 2008


So lots of people are leaving in the next few months and its been really wierd dealing with the emotions that go along with it.

Obviously I dont want people to leave and wish they could hang out forever, but just as obviously I understand people need change and to do the things they wish to do. So its a little hard being happy and sad at the same time for so many people simultaneously.

After having one of the best nights of my life at Andrea's going away party, which was amaazing, I discovered that overall I was much more happy for the people who were leaving than I was sad that they had to go.

Whether they come back or not, I am just honored to have been with them while they were here, and grateful that I can feel sad for someone thats leaving at all. Ive seen plenty of people leave without caring, and its bittersweet now to finally know what it means to say i'll miss someone. Thankyou to everyone that has helped build my experience with life, and good luck where you're headed.


so i found a cool new website,, and its really cool. basically its like a mini blog where in 140 letters or less you answer the question "what are you doing?" and thats it. it sounds lame, but its actually really creative (watch the video)
only problem is that you need friends on it to really enjoy it, sooooooooooooooooooo, if any of you read this blog, you should cruise on over there and befriend me. search "thegrandlaborer"